Foxtale Productions

Buddy Amoroso, Metro Council District 8 Campaign

Buddy Amoroso came to us this election cycle in need of a promotional video informing his constituents of the city’s progress and of the work that still needs to be done.

For Buddy, we compiled footage of the city and shots of the candidate to produce both a sixty-second and a thirty-second advertisement. Additionally, we filmed three interviews with Buddy in which he discussed the problems Baton Rouge is facing and his solutions in three separate vignettes.

60 Second Campaign Ad

Buddy Amoroso, 60 seconds

In our first meeting with Buddy, we asked him to clarify the points that defined his campaign. After settling on three main issues—road traffic, flood recovery, and crime—we prepared a script and scheduled a shoot to to gather footage of Buddy in Baton Rouge and film an interview in which he discussed these three main points.

Additionally, we filmed a significant amount of Baton Rouge b-roll for the advertisement. Traffic was in abundance and fortunately, we had filmed plenty of the flood of 2016. Though we did not have any content from the recent Alton Sterling protest, we were able to reach out to a few of our contacts who were generous enough to lend us their material.

We set out to create a campaign ad that stood out from other contemporaries in local government and we feel that was accomplished.

30 Second Campaign Ad

Buddy Amoroso, 30 seconds

After completing the sixty-second length ad it was simple to finish the thirty-second piece; all that needed to be done at this point was consolidation. Other than a few tough cut decisions, we were able to trim the first spot to the key points and moments that were the most convincing and persuasive with little difficulty. While the first video had more sheen, we found we were more satisfied with the second for its brevity and felt the challenge to communicate Buddy’s points with less time made the production better in the end.


While developing the Metro City Council re-election campaign spots for Buddy Amoroso we realized that for his constituents to feel informed it would be necessary to expand on each of Buddy’s points in three separate vignettes. For each, we interviewed the candidate in areas of Baton Rouge that needed work and collected more b-roll in these areas to capitalize and reinforce Buddy’s ideas.



Flood Recovery

From the Production